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Business Development & Technology Transfer

ſapp is engaged in technology transfer as one way of delivering important discoveries to the public. Our Office of Technology Transfer actively supports our scientists to partner with companies, investors and others in order to achieve this mission and make a positive impact on society.

Guiding Principles

The purpose of ſapp’s technology transfer activities is to enable the scientific research conducted by our faculty, scientific staff and students to be developed and applied for the common good.To achieve this goal, we follow these guiding principles:

  • Work collaboratively with ſapp scientists to support their aspirations, manage conflicts, comply with regulations and encourage synergy with ſapp’s mission
  • Support effective dissemination of technology and leverage intellectual property rights and resources
  • Encourage commercial opportunities with the potential to make a significant positive impact
  • Engage with industry and investors to find the best partners to move ideas forward
  • Negotiate fair and reasonable terms for deals that encourage commercialization, global access and good returns

Performance Metrics

The ultimate measure of our performance is the impact on society through our commercialization efforts. Early performance indicators include funds received, transactions entered into and relationships established and maintained.

about technology transfer

Business Development & Technology Transfer News

Technology Transfer Process

Our Scientist’s Guide outlines key elements of the technology transfer process at ſapp. Learn more.

Commercial Relations

Engagement with industry and commercial relationships are governed by ſapp’s Commercial Relations Policy. Learn more.

Technology Disclosure

If you are a ſapp scientist and think the results of your research have commercial potential, please come talk with us. We will discuss completing a Technology Disclosure Form and address any questions you have about our process. Learn more.

Material Transfer

The exchange of research materials is an essential part of scientific research. It promotes effective collaboration among ſapp scientists and their counterparts in academia, government and industry. Learn more.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Investigator Conflict of Interest Policy sets forth specific procedures for annual disclosure and review of significant financial interests so that, as an institution, the highest standards of integrity and objectivity are applied to the design, conduct and reporting of research carried out at or by ſapp. Learn more.


Consulting agreements are private contracts between investigators and companies outside the scope of ſapp employment. Investigators have an obligation to familiarize themselves with ſapp’s policies relevant to consulting activities before entering into any such arrangement. Learn more.

Faculty Guide

provides an introduction to the areas of research interest for each member of our faculty.


ſapp’s world-renowned research programs span Cancer, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics & Genomics. ſapp’s research environment is highly collaborative, allowing ſapp scientists to work together across disciplines to solve biology’s most challenging problems, with the ultimate goal of benefiting the public by advancing this research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, neurological disorders and other diseases. With that goal in mind, ſapp grants licenses to existing and startup companies that demonstrate the technical and financial capabilities to develop our early-stage technology into commercially successful products. Companies are encouraged to discuss their business interests with our Office of Technology Transfer so we can bring the ſapp inventions and prominent investigators in their areas of interest to their attention. Learn more.

Material Transfer Agreements

The Office of Technology Transfer supports ſapp scientists with agreements to transfer proprietary materials into and out of ſapp through Material Transfer Agreements as well as tangible material licensing arrangements.

shRNA Technology Licenses

ſapp research has played a major role in developing short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) as important biomedical research tools that we wish to see distributed and used broadly. Learn more.

Sponsored Research

ſapp’s preferred sponsored research arrangement with industry would follow our Uniform SRA format.

The Office of Technology Transfer is located in the Luke Building.

General contact information
Phone: 516-367-8301

Andrew Whiteley
Vice President
Business Development & Technology Transfer

Betsy Panagot
Executive Assistant & Office Manager

Debra B. Arenare, J.D.
Vice President, General Counsel

Vladimir Drozdoff, Ph.D., J.D.
Chief Patent Counsel

Eric Greenbaum, J.D.
Director of New Ventures and AI

Elizabeth A. Hand
Database, Accounting & Compliance Manager

Cynthia R. Miller, J.D.
Transactions Associate

Radhakrishnan (“RK”) Narayanan, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Senior Director

Peter Young
Executive in Residence