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Hope sparks new initiatives

 image of the Harbor Transcript Magazine logo Summer 2022 edition

Last year generated the highest level of philanthropic support ever to the Laboratory.”

John Tuke, Chief Operating Officer

Please join Marilyn H. Simons, Ph.D., chairman of the ·¬şĹżâapp Board of Trustees, on a tour of ·¬şĹżâapp

Honor roll of donors

Lifetime contributions of $5 million+

Dr. and Mrs. Lalit R. Bahl
The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
Jamie Nicholls and Fran Biondi
Mr. and Mrs. David Boies – Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation
The Dana Foundation
Henriette Darrell
DeMatteis Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolan – Dolan Family Foundation
The William Stamps Farish Fund
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust under the will of Louis Feil
Jacob Goldfield
Kate Medina Guthart and Leo A. Guthart
The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kelter
David H. Koch*
Laurie Landeau Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lindsay and Family
Ivana Stolnik-Lourie and Robert W. Lourie
The Lustgarten Foundation
Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust
Nancy Abeles Marks
The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation
Mercer Family Foundation
The Don Monti Memorial Research Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Morgan
New York Empire StateDevelopment Corporation
Pershing Square Foundation
Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon Polsky
The Quick Family
Charles and Marie Robertson Family
Edith Seligson
The Simons Foundation
Drs. Marilyn and James Simons
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
St. Giles Foundation
The Starr Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Stone
The Swartz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Taubman
The Thompson Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wendt III
Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation

* Deceased

$1 million+ or $100,000+

Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie
Rita Allen Foundation, Inc.
The Bahnik Foundation
Carson Family Charitable Trust
The Mary K. Chapman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chernoff – MARS
Whitney and Jim Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick H. Cushman
Davenport Family Foundation
Michel David-Weill
Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra and Stephen Della Pietra
Oliver S. and Jennie R. Donaldson Charitable Trust
Edward P. Evans Foundation
The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation
Robert A. Gay
Miriam and Alan E. Goldberg Foundation
Lola Goldring
The Oliver R. Grace Family
Michael J. Griffin
Guru Krupa Foundation, Inc.
Janet Strauss and Jeff Hawkins
Jo-Ellen and Ira Hazan
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Heartfelt Wings Foundation
Elizabeth McCaul and Francis Ingrassia
F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
Kissinger Family Foundation
Knott Family Foundation
Andre B. Lacy Revocable Trust
Betsy and Bryan H. Lawrence
The Lehrman Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lessing
Jerome Levy Foundation
Mary D. Lindsay *
Louis Morin Charitable Trust
The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
Dr. Marcia Kramer Mayer
Estates of Florence and Harold & Ethel McNeill
The Meier and Linnartz Family Foundation
Gillian and Eduardo Mestre
William R. Miller *
New York Community Trust
William C. and Joyce C. O’Neil Charitable Trust
The Pfizer Foundation
Amy and John Phelan
Emma Liu and Karl Qin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Saunders III
Alison Holtzschue and Douglas Schloss
Eleanor Schwartz Charitable Foundation
The Seraph Foundation
Pearl F. Staller
Cynthia R. Stebbins
Waclaw Szybalski, D.SC. *
Diana Taylor
TD Bank
Estate of Christianne Tsakis
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart T. Weisbrod
Anne Wojcicki Foundation
Drs. George Yancopoulos – Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

* Deceased


Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mary and Paul Auersperg
Mr. and Mrs. Hans E.R. Bosch
Cedar Hill Foundation
Casey and Ellen Cogut
Del Vecchio Family Foundation
Barbara Amonson and Vincent Della Pietra
Laura and John Desmarais
Dr. Lee MacCormick Edwards Charitable Foundation
Ike, Molly and Steven Elias Foundation
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli and Michael D. Fascitelli
Douglas and Christine Fox
Friends of TJ Foundation
Celia and Wally Gilbert
Pierre & Paula Gonthier Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Gottlieb
The Marc Haas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Hamer
Annette Kade Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Errol Kitt
Peter Klein – Claire Friedlander Family Foundation
Vesna and Tomislav Kundic
Liz’s Day For Breast Cancer Research
Maddie’s Promise
The Robert J. and Claire Pasarow Foundation
Lyon Polk – Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management
Linda Johnson and Bruce Ratner
Christina Renna Foundation
William J. Riley Memorial Fund
Geoff Robertson – Robertson Family Fund
The Mary Ruchalski Foundation
Christine Anderson and Jake Siewert
Sight Growth Partners
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slatkin
Kristin and Dustin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith III – The Geier Foundation
Sunshine Foundation
Swim Across America Nassau-Suffolk
Three Strohm Sisters Family Foundation
The Wasily Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wigler


AKF Group
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dillaway Ayres, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Baron
Ed Blaskey – Sterling National Bank
Botto Mechanical Corp.
Laura Louise Breyer
Broad Hollow Bioscience Park
Lisa and Tim Broadbent
Estate of G. Morgan Browne
The Caldwell Stair Charitable Fund
Barbara and Christopher Callaghan
Capital Group
Eric and Keri Carlstrom
Centerbrook Architects and Planners, LLC
Dr. Bayard D. Clarkson
Frederic R. Coudert Foundation
Maria and Geoff de Lesseps – Alpha Omega Charitable Foundation
Frank and Janet Della Fera Family Foundation
Nelson DeMille
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory DeRosa
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Eichorn
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Goelet
Jon and Mindy Gray Family Foundation
Randall and Mary Hack Foundation
Irving Hansen Foundation
Susan T. Harris
Nancy and Ron Israeli
Carissa and James Jordan
Ashley and Gabriel Jostrom
Dr. and Mrs. Joel J. Kassimir
Jack and Carmela Kelly
Terri and Peter Keogh
Andrea B. and Peter D. Klein
Gordon Lamb – Jefferson Family Charitable Foundation
Melissa and Nick Leopard
Rita and Art Levinson
Cynthia and David Lippe
Amanda and Tom Lister
Madelyn and Carl Lombardi
Michael Maturo – RXR Co Property Management LLC
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Thomas Moore
Monique and Doug Morris
Ralph Nappi – Northwell Health
National Grid Foundation
Michael A. Nickols
Susanne Olin
O’Neill Family Charitable Trust
Jonathan and Eileen Otto
Lauryl and Robert Palatnick
Michelle Paternoster Foundation
David P. Pearson
Patricia Petersen – Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty
William Townsend Porter Foundation
John and Cheryl Pufahl
Thomas and Marina Purcell Family Foundation
Lewis and Rita Ranieri
Erin Rechler – The Morton and Beverly Rechler Family Foundation
John R. Reese
Pamela and Richard Rubinstein Foundation
Alicia Zarou Scanlon and Richard T. Scanlon
Susan M. Schultz *
John Sobolewski
David Stark – Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Stillman
Mary and Vincent Striano – Striano Electric Co., Inc.
Anne Drackett Thomas
Dori and Peter Tilles
Joan P. Tilney
Douglas Torre
Leslie S. Farhangi and John P. Tuke
Ann Eden Woodward Foundation
The Bradley Zankel Foundation

* Deceased


Aboff’s, Inc.
David Altman – Brown & Altman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Amoruso
Photeine Anagnostopoulos
Baranay Family Foundation
Eric Belfi – Labaton Sucharow, LLP
Danielle Bellanger
Kathy and Gene Bernstein
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Hadley and Ryan Bohn
Steven Brenner, M.D.
Lauren Emr and William Brunner
Jean Cacciabaudo, MD FACC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Calabrese, Jr.
Christiane Hurley Zoller and John T. Callaghan
Maddy Callahan – Helms Bros. Inc.
PJ Callahan Foundation
Lawrence and Teresa Cantwell
Mary and Richard Catalano
Tom and Beatriz Claugus – Foundation for a Better World
Rita M. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Connors
Dr. Marian Conway – New York Community Bank Foundation
Cullen Family Fund
David Einbinder
Michael L. Focazio – Carissa Maringo Fund
Jim Ford – Eppendorf
Putney Cloos and Brian Fox
Amit Gandhi
Kelly Gaudreau
GEI Consulting Engineers & Scientists
Tom Giarraputo – Executive Cleaning Services
Gil-Bar Industries
Kevin Gillen – Current Fire Protections
Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation
Thomas and Kim Gsell
Robin Hadley
Reverend Linda Peyton Hancock
The Hastings Foundation, Inc.
Donald Hehir & Associates, LLC
Mary Jane Helenek
Robin and Jim Herrnstein
Paula and John Hornbostel
Yaoqing Huang Family Foundation
Richard Humann – H2M architects + engineers
Joan M. Hutchins
Bob Isaksen – Bank of America
Alan Jakimo
JSRM Foundation
Susan and John Kean – Kean Development Company, Inc.
Michael Keenan – Wells Fargo Private Bank
Sarah and Jim Kennedy
Shahnaz Batmanghelidj and Radford W. Klotz
Louise Hochberg and Brian Lee
Robert Levey – Certified Interiors
Hildegarde Mahoney – The Dana Foundation
Robert Marcus
Edward E. Matthews
Chris McIntosh – J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Stephen F. Melore – Farrell Fritz P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Nattis
James J. Norman
Hugh and Arianne O’Kane
Ashley and Frank O’Keefe
Tracy Dellomo and Clifford Packingham
Debbie Parmet Sondock
Dr. and Mrs. John Passarelli
Whitney Posillico
Nicole and Charlie Prizzi
Drs. Christina Bucci-Rechtweg and Jay Rechtweg
Dr. Stephen Ross – Nikon Instruments, Inc.
Tara and Tim Ruocco
Dr. and Mrs. Raju Sarwal
The Silfen Family
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Soref
Drs. David and Mona Spector
Spionkop Charitable Trust
Lee Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. George Tsunis
Diana and Roy Vagelos
John B. Vermylen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vermylen, Jr.
Vincent Vivolo
Thomas Vladeck
Craig Weiss – T. Weiss Realty Group
Mr. and Mrs. David Zuklie


Mr. and Mrs. Todd Andrews
Debra and Scott Arenare
Erica and Henry Babcock
Robert and Elizabeth Bailenson
Dorothy T. Baldwin
BankUnited, N.A.
Caroline E. Bassett
Elizabeth Beach
Patrick Bencivenga
Joanne Berger-Sweeney – Trinity College
Elizabeth Bertani
Helen Bonebrake – The Corita Charitable Trust
Michael Botchan
Linda Riefler and Christopher Boyatt
Dr. William Braden – Porter Braden Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
Vincent and Patricia Breitenbach
Gerard Brogan
Robert Brooks
Richard C. Cahn
Stephen and Carol Canter
Devon and Tommy Carroll
Louise Parent and John Casaly
Bernadette Castro
John Catalano
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cook
Cosel-Pieper Family Foundation
Angela Creager
Lucy Cutting
Dr. James E. Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dolce
Dr. Nancy Douzinas
Carol Durkin
Sarah Edwards
Frederick W. Engel
Diane and Bob Fagiola
Vicki and Joseph Ferrara
Floral Park Police Benevolent Association
E. Maxwell Geddes, Jr.
Sander Gerber
Patricia L. Gondelman
Carolyn Gulotta
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gundersen
Margaret M. Hargraves
Gwen Harris, M.D.
William A. Herzog
James B. Hoover
The Hotchkiss School
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Iannucci
George Igel
J. McLaughlin
Walter B. James Fund No. 2
Drs. Clary Evans and Tobias Janowitz
Jean and Barclay Jones
Dr. Leemor Joshua-Tor
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke R. Keough
Drs. Kathleen and Victor Klein
The Kleinknecht Family Foundation
Patricia Klingenstein – John & Patricia Kleingenstein Fund
Steven B. Klinsky
Laureen and Ragnar Knutsen
James Large
Suzanne and Richard Leeds
Nancy Metz and George N. Lindsay, Jr.
The Litwin Foundation
Kevin G. Mahony
Jane and Philip Mallinson
Masthead Cove Yacht Club
Ferrell and Chi McClean
Peggy McCormack
Neil and Amy McGoldrick
Nina Monell Morton
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Murphy
Arthur J. Nagle
Nitorum Capital LP
Norwood Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Kane
Dr. and Mrs. James Paci
Carole and Nicholas Parks
Rhoda Parmet
Violetta and Douglas Partrick
Nicholas Paumgarten
Mr. and Mrs. David Peikon
Lou Ann Montana and JW Pflugrath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pilkington
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Rechler
Joseph Roberto
Richard and Jean Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William Roche
Linda Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Rubin
Brian and Ginny Ruder
Heather and Adam Savarese
Tami and Scott Schneider
Robin and Enrique Senior
Julie and Bryan Shepherd
Jane and James Spingarn
Alice and David Stamps
Marcia and Myron Stein
Joan Steitz
David Sterling
Jim and Pat Stewart
Stream Data Centers
Michele Miroff and Carl J. Studer
Yaakov Tambor
Pamela M. Thye
Louise Giffuni Tiernan Foundation
Patricia W. Timpson
Triumph Construction
Susie and Stanley Trotman
Debra Tuccillo-Kenney
Universe Kogaku (America), Inc.
Dr. Marjorie J. van de Stouwe
Richard John Walk
Douglas A. Warner III
Stacy Welsh
Gerald I. White
Sandy and Jennifer Williams
Steven and Georgene Winick

In-kind gifts

Mary Auersperg
Lori Bahnik
The Beauty Window
Benjamin Talks, Carissa Jordan and Nikki Boulukos
Maddy Callahan
Eddie Chernoff
Suzanne Christenesen
Daniel Gale
Debra Del Vecchio
Nelson DeMille
Estee Lauder
Finnegan’s Restaurant
Fiorello Dolce
Fuentes Cosmetic Surgery
Dagnia Zeidlickis and Walter Goldschmidts
Kimberly Gorman Muto
Huntington Country Club
Il Posto di Joey
Jonathan’s Ristorante
Natalie Kammer
Jeff Kelter
Ginny and Errol Kitt
Sarah Kitt
Kisner Plastic Surgery, SILK MD
Danny Miller
Nikon Instruments
Oheka Castle
Stephanie Orzel
Eileen Otto
Dr. John Passarelli
Corine Perrotta
Poll Restaurants
Annabel Romero Hernandez
Dr. Raju Sarwal
Alicia Scanlon
Alissa Shea
The Shed
Laura Slatkin
Dr. Bruce Stillman
Sweetie Pies
TD Bank
TERRA Cold Spring Harbor
Leslie Farhangi and John Tuke
Dr. Marjorie van de Stouwe
Andrew Viklund
Windham House – Peggy King

Contributions in honor of

Edward A. Chernoff
Daniel Cordani
·¬şĹżâapp Legal & Business Development Teams
Kristina P. Davison
Mary Epstein
Ron Gottlieb
Leo Guthart
Jessica and Thomas Heckel
Errol Kitt
Dr. Marcia Kramer Mayer
Dr. Laurie Landeau
Robert Lindsay
Dave Mirolli
Eleanor and Howard Morgan
Nina Morton
Timothy Motto
Nassau County Sheriff’s COBA
Kate and Lilly O’Phelan
Port Authority PBA
Michael C. Schatz, Ph.D.
Douglas Schloss
Dr. Bruce W. Stillman
Suffolk County DSPBA
Suffolk County PBA
Suffolk County Probation Officers Association
Danielle and Paul Taubman
Kristine Thomas
Joan P. Tilney
Dr. Dave Tuveson
Sallie and Alex van Rensselaer
Dr. Evelyn M. Witkin


Contributions in memory of

Richard Ambrosio
Shirley R. Aprison
Josephine Auersperg
Giuseppe Bertani
Rev. Anthony Boateng-Mensah
Patricia Boudreau
Ellen Brenner
Ahmad Bukhari
Dr. Robert Cafferkey
Elfie Cairns
John P. Cleary
Andrew DeNatale
Carol Giacco
Christopher G. Goff, Ph.D.
Alan Goldstein
Teresa Haire
Harold “Hap” Hoffmann
Dr. Andy Kaplan
Billy and Jackie Kastner
Robert Jack King
Amar JS Klar
David Knott
Mary D. Lindsay
Carissa Maringo
Marie Lewis Matthews
Rusty McCormack
Marcia A. Meyer
Frank Morelli
Mother, Lulu
Kevin and Francis O’Connor
Robert C. Olby
Gertrude Ornstein
Carol Pfeifer
Preston Pumphrey
Andrew Rosenthal
Diane Emdin Sachs
Alan Seligson
Olga Smith
Francis Patiky Stein
Jason Stewart
Steven Strongin
Bob Suydam
Edward Travaglianti
Rajani Lakshmi Velivela
Evelyn and Frank Walkowski
Andrew Weiss
Dr. Norton D. Zinder
Dr. Mark Zoller

Create a legacy that will improve people’s lives through discovery

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Helix Society honors the generous friends who inform us of their commitment to our research and science education programs by naming us in their wills or through other kinds of planned gifts. Members are invited to special events and recognized in ·¬şĹżâapp publications.

W. Dillaway Ayres, Jr.
Caroline E. Bassett
Elise Best
Mrs. William M. Blair, Jr.
John Broven
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Calabrese, Jr.
Vicki Gruber Callahan
Kate C. Chapman
Edward A. Chernoff
Dr. Bayard D. Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick H. Cushman
Henriette Darrell
Mrs. Donald L. Deming
Jane Duggan
Jan Eisenman
Mary Epstein
Michael L. Focazio
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Fox
John H. Friedman
Jean G. Gardiner
Drs. Joan Brooks and James Garrels
Robert A. Gay
Eleanor J. Greenan
Michael J. Griffin
Michael Gurtowski
Robin Hadley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Hamer
Margaret Hargraves
Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Heinemann
Mrs. Valdemar F. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Klein
Dr. Daniel F. Klessig
Laurie J. Landeau, V.M.D.
Mrs. Leslie S. Learned
Mrs. Henry Lewis III
Lisa M. Manche
Dr. Marcia Kramer Mayer
Susan Morgan
Richard S. Overton
Ann B. Parkinson
John S. Popeleski
Whitney F. Posillico
Dr. Gregory Prelich
Nicole and Charlie Prizzi
John R. Reese
Roger H. Samet
Edith Seligson
Jeffrey Shellan, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Sicherman O.D.
Suzanne Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Spingarn
Pearl F. Staller
Cynthia R. Stebbins
Lee Steinberg
Michele M. Miroff and Carl J. Studer
Dr. Robert Tjian
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wendt III

photo of Edith and Alan Seligson
$3 Million gift from longtime benefactor Edith Seligson. Read the story »

Community support

·¬şĹżâapp Association

photo of Debra Del Vecchio, Alicia Zarou Scanlon, Mary Striano, and Terri Keogh at ·¬şĹżâapp
·¬şĹżâappA Directors Debra Del Vecchio, Alicia Zarou Scanlon, Mary Striano, and Terri Keogh

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Association Directors are instrumental in raising funds to support ·¬şĹżâapp. Directors generously host outreach events and introduce friends and colleagues to ·¬şĹżâapp to raise awareness of ·¬şĹżâapp’s cutting-edge research and education programs.


Kristin Olson Smith, President
James A. Woods, Treasurer
Ron Gottlieb, Co-Secretary
Virginia Knott, Co-Secretary


Elizabeth Ainslie
Mary Auersperg
Hans E.R. Bosch
Lisa Broadbent
Barbara W. Callaghan
Eric Carlstrom
Edward A. Chernoff
Frank DellaFera
Debra Del Vecchio
Nelson DeMille
David Einbinder
David Goldring
Mark Hamer
Nancy Lippman Israeli, M.D.
Carissa Jordan
Ashley Jostrom
Joel Kassimir, M.D.
Jack Kelly
Terri Keogh
Errol Kitt
Nick Leopard
Madelyn Lombardi
Michael Maturo
Marcia Kramer Mayer
Michèle Bahnik Mercier
Nina Monell Morton
Eileen Otto
Patricia Petersen
Whitney F. Posillico
Rita Ranieri
Alicia Zarou Scanlon
Lonnie Shoff
Hope Geier Smith
David M. Stark
Mary Striano
Peter Tilles

Honorary Directors

Anne R. Meier
Cathy Cyphers Soref
Pearl F. Staller
Cynthia R. Stebbins

Corporate Advisory Board

photo of members from a 2021 Corporate Advisory Board meeting
2021 Corporate Advisory Board

The Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) is composed of local business leaders with a primary goal of raising funds through our annual golf tournament and raising awareness for the Laboratory throughout the business community.


Edward A. Chernoff, Chairman


Michael Aboff
David Altman
Paul Amoruso
Todd Andrews
Stephen R. Barrese
Eric Belfi
Edward Blaskey
Ryan J. Bohn
Jean Cacciabaudo, M.D.
Thomas J. Calabrese
Christopher Callaghan
John D. Catalano
Richard A. Catalano
George Chacon
Jonathan Connors
Marian Conway, Ph.D.
Denis Cullen
Philip D’Avanzo
Tracy Dellomo
Gregory DeRosa
Lauren Emr, Esq.
Jim Ford
Brian Fox
Amit Gandhi
Tom Giarraputo
Lawrence Goodman
Thomas Gsell
Mary Jane Helenek
Richard W. Humann
Robert Isaksen
Alan L. Jakimo
Patricia Janco-Tupper
John C. Kean III
Michael Keenan
Norman Kelker, Ph.D.
Peter Klein
Amy Koreen, M.D.
Laurie J. Landeau, V.M.D.
Brian D. Lee
David Lessing
Jeffrey L. Martin, M.D.
Mark McAteer
Stephen F. Melore
Richard Nattis, M.D.
Robert Palatnick
John G. Passarelli, M.D.
David Peikon
Nicole Prizzi
Erin Rechler
Joseph Roberto
Keith Rooney
Stephen Ross, Ph.D.
Don Saladino
Raju Sarwal, M.D.
Carmella L. Stephens, Ph.D.
Edward Strohm
John Topolovec
Deborah Messina Tsotsos, D.O.
Craig A. Weiss
Dave Zuklie

Double Helix Medals dinner

It’s early exposure to STEM that’s important. You need to get the kids when they’re young; that’s when the motivation begins.”

Reggie Jackson, 2021 DHMD Honoree